Do you know how blessed you are, if you have all five of your senses? I know sometimes we take it for granted, because it seems not to be all that special.......until one of them is not working, whether temporally or permanent. I mean if you woke up and couldn't see, you would go into a panic, or what about if you couldn't hear. How would you deal with that? Like I said we take it for granted.
Well let me tell you something that has happened to me since I've started Chemo. My taste buds are not working. My nurse told me things would taste different, and I might get mouth sores. But it was never stated that I wouldn't be able to taste anything (and I did get mouth sores).
I have been eating, or trying to eat food but it's all bland. I don't care if it's salty, sweet, sour or anything else. It all taste bland. And on top of that, I have to use medicated mouthwash, called Magic Mouthwash which has lidocaine in it. And it makes my mouth numb for about 5 minutes. It's been almost 2 weeks since my chemo treatment. And I'm just now starting to taste my food. All this time I've just been eating stuff cause it looks good, not by how it taste. But the bad part about it is, by the time I my taste buds kick back in, I will be going back to Chemo.
So do me a favor, next time you are Thanking God for all he has done for you. Remember to thank him for your 5 senses......
Ms. Miko
I have no time to feel sorry for myself. I'm to busy Fighting...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
It's Prom Time.

Today my son went to Prom. He thought he was fly as hell. I mean he looked good, but don't tell him, his head is big enough.

But how about I almost forgot to get his date a corsage. When I thought about it. It was 8:30 on Friday night and Prom was the next day. So I rushed out to the local floral shop Bachmans, and $30.00 later we had a cute pink 3 rose, (with some pearly things) corsage.

And how about the girl he went to Prom with is not his girlfriend. It's a girl from his school. How he manage to get that by his girlfriend, I have no idea. And get this, he made his girlfriend go to her prom with his friend. Can we say GAME. I don't know where it gets it from. lol

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
To the Man I Love!
Hey Baby,
I've been going over this in my head, again and again, about what I wanted to say to you. And I still can't get the words right. I know I want to tell you how much I love you. How much I appreciated and adore you. How I respect you and your decisions. How it is an honor and blessing to be your wife. How you complete me. How you inspire me. How I love spending time with you. How easy it is to talk to you. How you make me smile, even when I don't feel like smiling.
I also want you to know that I still get butterflies when you are near me. How I blush at the thought of you. How my skin tingles when you touch me. How I crave your kisses. How I yearn for your touch. I love the way you look at me, I love the way you hold me. And when I'm in your arms, I feel safe, secured and loved. I love the way you smell, Your smell consumes me and makes me feel as one with you. Oh Oh and your smile, your smile is so beautiful and can brighten the darkest room. And your eyes, hmmmm your eyes are so damn sexy, and truly are the window to your soul. (And when your glasses are off.... well you know it's on. lol.) Your skin is a nice sweet chocolaty tone, it looks good enough to taste. Damn!
And on top of all this, you are God fearing, faithful, compassionate and loyal. You are understanding, trustworthy, patient, kind, and forgiving. Your a Wonderful husband and a Magnificent Daddy. You are my Friend, My Lover, My soul mate, My Provider, My Past, Present and My Future.
And you know what's funny.......You're My Husband. And I wonder sometimes what I did to deserve a man like you. I mean I know I'm Fabulous and all, but you are truly a Blessing to me.
You are the best husband I could have ever asked GOD for.
I Love you Daddy!
Mrs. Edwards
I've been going over this in my head, again and again, about what I wanted to say to you. And I still can't get the words right. I know I want to tell you how much I love you. How much I appreciated and adore you. How I respect you and your decisions. How it is an honor and blessing to be your wife. How you complete me. How you inspire me. How I love spending time with you. How easy it is to talk to you. How you make me smile, even when I don't feel like smiling.

And on top of all this, you are God fearing, faithful, compassionate and loyal. You are understanding, trustworthy, patient, kind, and forgiving. Your a Wonderful husband and a Magnificent Daddy. You are my Friend, My Lover, My soul mate, My Provider, My Past, Present and My Future.
And you know what's funny.......You're My Husband. And I wonder sometimes what I did to deserve a man like you. I mean I know I'm Fabulous and all, but you are truly a Blessing to me.
You are the best husband I could have ever asked GOD for.
I Love you Daddy!
Mrs. Edwards

Bone Marrow
OUCH!!! is all I can say.
It started out as a good day, I felt fine. I took the kids to school, came home, got some mid day nookie (that was the BOMB diggity I might add) and then about an hour or so later. My body began to ache.
At first I thought I was just sitting down to long, since I was on the computer.
Then it dawned on me, last week when I got my neulasta shot to help my white blood cells, and to help my body produce bone marrow. The nurse informed that my bones may or may not ache. She told me that bone marrow is produced in your larger bones, like your spine, sternum, pelvic and thigh bones. And my aches were all in my pelvic area. I mean when I walked, sat down, lay down, just hurt.
Well not exactly hurt, but it was very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. (Ouch!).
The good thing is that I am able to take Tylenol, and I've been popping those babies like sweet tarts! So now it's later in the day and the Tylenol has kicked in real nice, I'm not uncomfortable, I feel just fine.
It started out as a good day, I felt fine. I took the kids to school, came home, got some mid day nookie (that was the BOMB diggity I might add) and then about an hour or so later. My body began to ache.
At first I thought I was just sitting down to long, since I was on the computer.
Then it dawned on me, last week when I got my neulasta shot to help my white blood cells, and to help my body produce bone marrow. The nurse informed that my bones may or may not ache. She told me that bone marrow is produced in your larger bones, like your spine, sternum, pelvic and thigh bones. And my aches were all in my pelvic area. I mean when I walked, sat down, lay down, just hurt.
Well not exactly hurt, but it was very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. (Ouch!).
The good thing is that I am able to take Tylenol, and I've been popping those babies like sweet tarts! So now it's later in the day and the Tylenol has kicked in real nice, I'm not uncomfortable, I feel just fine.
Monday, April 27, 2009
I really wanted to go to Church on Sunday!
I really wanted to go to Church on Sunday, but my body didn't have the energy to make it and on top of that is was thunderstorming. So I just slept in my warm dry bed, next to my wonderful husband, and got some rest.
The funny thing is that I haven't even told my church family about my Breast Cancer. Why you ask? Well first of all I have been attending Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church for about 9 or 10 yrs. I became a member about 7 or 8 yrs ago, and you know what, nobody there really knows my name. I mean my Pastor and his kids do, mainly because my husband use to do the video taping for the church. There are about 2 or 3 families there, that may know me by name. But if I called the church Secretary to solicit prayers, and to be put in the prayer list she wouldn't know me from the man next door.
I mean I don't go EVERY Sunday, (especially through the winter months) but I do go more than just Christmas, Easter and Mother's Day (nothing against those who do). My church family, is a very loving family, and very inviting, but if this is so, why don't they know me. Is is me, should I have made my self known, becuase it's not like I'm shy or anything like that. I'm very outgoing, very talkative, and I just love attention, so why don't my church family really know I exist?
Why do I keep going you ask?
Because I love my Pastor, I love how he preaches, I love the way he carries himself, I love the way he can get his point across, I love the way he can make a sermon seem like it was made for YOU. When you walk out of my church, you feel like you've been to Church, you feel like you've learned something. You feel anoited, like you've been in God's pressence.
So I'm still faced with this decision....Do I contact my church letting them know about my situation, even though they won't know who I am.
Please men and women go get checked, cancer knows no age, color, or race.
Ms. Miko
The funny thing is that I haven't even told my church family about my Breast Cancer. Why you ask? Well first of all I have been attending Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church for about 9 or 10 yrs. I became a member about 7 or 8 yrs ago, and you know what, nobody there really knows my name. I mean my Pastor and his kids do, mainly because my husband use to do the video taping for the church. There are about 2 or 3 families there, that may know me by name. But if I called the church Secretary to solicit prayers, and to be put in the prayer list she wouldn't know me from the man next door.
I mean I don't go EVERY Sunday, (especially through the winter months) but I do go more than just Christmas, Easter and Mother's Day (nothing against those who do). My church family, is a very loving family, and very inviting, but if this is so, why don't they know me. Is is me, should I have made my self known, becuase it's not like I'm shy or anything like that. I'm very outgoing, very talkative, and I just love attention, so why don't my church family really know I exist?
Why do I keep going you ask?
Because I love my Pastor, I love how he preaches, I love the way he carries himself, I love the way he can get his point across, I love the way he can make a sermon seem like it was made for YOU. When you walk out of my church, you feel like you've been to Church, you feel like you've learned something. You feel anoited, like you've been in God's pressence.
So I'm still faced with this decision....Do I contact my church letting them know about my situation, even though they won't know who I am.
Please men and women go get checked, cancer knows no age, color, or race.
Ms. Miko
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