I am thankful that me and my husband are still One... We've been together for almost 20 Yrs.. (married 13) we had our share of good times, bad times and very bad times.. We have had a couple of cracks in our foundation but has always managed to repair them.. So I am extremely Thankful to still be his wife, and that he Wants to be my husband...
I was on Facebook today and I came across this post from a group I'm in...and basically the Question was...
Will men judge you or look at you different if you have sex with them on the first date...
ok I can't believe this question is still in rotation... really I can't believe it...
so I am going to make this short and sweet (well maybe not so sweet)
Most or a lot of men will say... Don't do it on the first date, or yes I will judge you..
But what about you (men) what about your worth.. When you have sex on the first date should you not be judged...
Damn that's a double standard for your ass..
Ladies if a man judges you on when you decide to have sex with him, and it's his first date with you. Just like it's your first date with him.. Then think about it, do you really want to be with his judgemental ass.. Cause whatever he thinks of you, he should be thinking the same thing for his damn self... Smh
Ok you may or may not know who Shawty Lo is ..but he is a "rapper" (and I use that word loosely) out of Atlanta Georgia...and apparently he has 11 kids, 10 baby momma's and a 19 yr old girlfriend...smh..
Now Shawty Lo was in the group D4L and they had one song called "Laffy Taffy" yeah like the candy Laffy Taffy... and he had another song by himself called "Dey Know" but it was only a hit after the remix with Lil Wayne, Ludacris, Plies and Young Jeezy.. you know the song "Big Ups to All my Haters" yeah that one...
Now let's talk about this show....SMH this man has 10 baby momma's and 11 kids... I need to say this again 10 baby momma's and 11 kids.... that's just crazy, especially cause I thought he was handicapped...(lol I'm sorry but he does look like it)...and on top of all of this he has a 19 yr old Girlfreind and his ass is 36...and how about his oldest kid is 20...
Now I watched the trailer....and this whole set up is crazy... I believe they living like Sista Wives... not to be mistaken by the show Sister Wives... and the more I watched it the crazier it got...
They have nicknames for each baby momma too smh...like the
"The First Lady" which is not a bad nick name but her real name is E-Cria?? um ok...
Angela aka Chocolate "The Fighter baby momma",
Amanda "The Jealous baby momma" (um what you got to be jealous of..it's 10 of yall)....
Sujuan 'The wanna be bougie baby momma" (um really want to be bougie...but you agreed to be on this Rachet ass show)... moving right along...
Tamara "The no drama baby momma" (I'm just gone keep going)...
Serena "The Shady baby momma" um ok...
Liana aka Pebbles "the Baby momma from Hell" well personally I think ...nevermind...
I think that's all they may be on the show...at least that's all that the trailer shows...
and then there is the 19 yr old Girlfriend Ashlin...
Now there are a couple things I want to point out from this trailor...
1. He missed his kids graduation to attend to his Girlfriends Graduation...Yes you heard me right...
2. And it's too funny how they refer to each other as "The Baby Mommas"
3. The 19 yr old girlfriend, is cleaning his ears and cutting his toe nails..
I don't understand this level of rachetedness at all... Does he have fairy dust on the tip of his dick... cause I wouldn't even want people to know I was one of his "Baby Momma's" especially if I was #4-10...Ijs
Now I don't know if I will watch it or not... even though I feel like I want to (don't judge me) but I don't know if I should... but drama makes for good TV or defitnely a good laugh...
2 more things..
I wouldn't be surprised if the new girlfriend becomes baby momma 11 with the 12th kid...
and are you sure he is not handicapped???
It's the Day after Christmas.... So of course yesterday was Christmas... Christmas 2012 and it was Me, My Husband, My Daughter and My Mom (who I haven't seen for Christmas since December 1996) so it was nice to have her here with my family... and the only person that was missing was My Son (he's encarcerated :-/).
Our Day started at about 6:30 am when the Princess woke up, excited and ready to open gifts... We got out the bed and (me, the hubs and mom) and met in the Living Room, and proceeded to go thru gift after, gift after gift.. (most of them were for the Princess) ..
And after all the gifts were open and everbody looked over the things they've gotten.. the excitement of Christmas was kinda over...I know Christmas is not just about giving gifts... It's also about Family... And When you have a small family, and lives in a town with no other family members... Holidays gets, well becomes routine...
Yeah my mom was there, but it's still just felt kinda like any other day...after the present's everything dies down. I miss the whole family aspect of Holidays... with cousins, aunts, uncles and family friends, that may come by and have dinner and just talk and reminise about things we used to do, or just how our lives are going with the kids, work etc...
We don't have that, and we haven't had that in years... Sometimes I wish I would've had more kids. So My kids could enjoy the whole big family thing... not just on holidays but all the time... and as they get older and have kids, the family would just keep growning and getting bigger...hmmmm but then I think, she has never had that, so is she missing out or is it me missing it...
I'm sure this feeling will pass, once the Holiday Season is over. But I'm pretty sure it will come back with each Holiday....
Hello All, this blog is really about me and how I see things. Some people will agree and others won't feel free to comment on anything, or just read. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you here again. Smooches!