Well today is the only day I stayed awake, since I had my Chemo treatment on Tues. April 21. And this is some BS. They have me taking 3 different medicines, 2 (Ondansetron and Prochlorperazine) for nausea and vomiting and 1 (Dexamethasone) that says to treat severe allergies, arthritis, asthma and skin conditions, (which I don't have any of these symptoms, so why do I need it....hmmmmm).
I have been taking these medicines as directed by my doctor, but when I take them I can't seem to do nothing but sleep. Whassup with that. I swear I feel like I am going to get bed sores or something. How am I suppose to take care of my daughter if I'm sleeping all day? How can I get anything done? So today I decided not to take any of the medicines prescribed, and I feel fine, no nausea, and I did eat. I'm not sleepy, well not as sleepy, just a little tired. I could have used a nap, but I'm going to stay up all day, I'm grown damnit!!!!
I'm not taking this medicine unless I feel like I may vomit. I can't stay in the bed like that, it's enough I have cancer, do I have to be a walking zombie too, hell naw. I'm way to Fabulous for that. As long as I can talk to God, and he is still blessing me, I will be good. I will get through this, I will survive, I will conquer this. I'm highly favored and loved by many.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
First Chemo Treatment

I arrive at the hospital about 9:15 or so, for my 9:30 Chemo appointment. I was very uncooperative to my very supportive husband. I know I said I walk in with my head up, but instead I stomped my feet like a 5 yr old. I swear out of all the things I never wanted to do, Chemotherapy had to be at the top of that list. So I sucked it up and finally walked in, looking Fabulous of course! Shoes and all....

Before I could start my Chemo I had to get a ultrasound on my unaffected breast to make sure, there wasn't any lumps in there. Which kind of puzzled me, because I took the PET Scan, that takes a picture of my whole entire body, A MRI that took pics of both my breast, and I had a Mammogram that hurt like hell. After all that I still needed a ultrasound, but I'm not complaining :) better safe than sorry, Right?
Finally my husband and I are in the chemo room. I'm getting myself ready to get hooked up with the meds. I take a moment and talk to GOD. We're waiting on the nurse, her name is Patrice, and she's really nice, (nurses should be nice). So she comes over explains some stuff, before she starts my IV.
Ok here comes the IV, and MAN it hurt like hell, it was put in my hand and not my arm, (did she know there is more meat on my arm. And guess what, I did shed a couple of tears, ( I don't really like needles, even though I have 4 holes in each ear, my tongue pierced and 2 tattoos :D).
Ms. Patricia my nurse, started the drugs, some first the Cytoxan, then 2 doses of Adriamoycin,(and guess what my husbands name is Adrian, Ironic hmmm). Along with some anti nauseated medicine. Now the Adriamoycin is Red and it turn your urine Red, just nasty. But all in all I felt fine. And have to be back today for nulastin shot, to hep my immune system produce more white blood cells.
When we left the hospital, we got a little something to eat at Sonic, (if your town has a Sonic, try the lemon berry slushie, it's BOMB). Cam home, I was so tired I took a nap after talking to my Son, sister, niece and close friend, (all the love). I woke up ate some more, and then oh my God, my stomach was queasy (hey that's what they call my son, queezy, maybe he's behind all of this, hmmm maybe a conspiracy.) and every thang came back up, so does the ain't nausea medicine really work, because I took more when I got home. Maybe my body just has to get use to it....
I will keep you posted..
Ms. Miko
Please Men and Women go get check, cancer knows no color, age or race.
www.breastcancersite.com click to give free mammograms to women in need.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Rise and Shine
Yesterday morning I went in to wake up my kids for school. My son first since he's the oldest and moves the fastest (supposedly) and then my daughter, she's princess so it takes a minute to get her up, she tries to get every last wink of her beauty sleep. Then I go to the kitchen to get breakfast prepared, once that is going I go back to check on the kids. My son is on my daughter's bed holding her and they are sleep together.
What did I do, I ran and got the camera. Just like a Mom huh? Well I wanted to get this picture. Awww so precious, It's beautiful. I have beautiful kids. I love how they get along with them being 13 yrs apart, He loves her, and She love him. Don't get it wrong, they argue too. I often have to ask my son, "Dude why you beefing with my 5 yr old." Or my favorite "Son are you 5?" But the one thing I know, is that is something evers happens, he will take care of her with out A doubt. I love y'all..

Monday, April 20, 2009
Tomorrow is Chemo Day!
I don't want to go to Chemo, yeah, yeah I know I have too, but that doesn't mean that I got to like it. Honestly I'm just scared, but I 'm more scared not to go. Wow I still can't believe it, I have breast cancer, I mean I feel fine, I sure as hell look fine. Man, I don't want to go, but I'm going apparently with bells on. At least that is the plan, to stay strong. Walk in looking good, with my head up, and take it like a man. (for lack of a better word). I'm going to try not to cry, I have been doing good so far. I know people think I'm being strong and I am for the most part, because I refuse to be depressed, or down. I know this is a minor set back, I'm way to Fabulous to leave this place called earth. GOD has better things in store for me, I'm highly favored. And still knowing all this I don't want to go have these Chemo treatments.

Fine, Fabulos, Fierce and Fighting
Please men and women go get checked Cancer knows no, color, race or age.
Check out this site www.breastcancersite.com and click the pink button to give free mammograms to women in need..
Thanks a Bunch.
My older sister and my youngest niece came to visit me on Sat. Yeah they got in early, way to early, like 5 am, but I was there on time, ok I was about 10 minutes late. The point is I made it!
So we went to the world famous Mall of America. Let me bag up a bit, on Friday night I was up late, way to late, I didn't go to bed to about 2:30 and for some reason couldn't sleep. I know I wasn't excited, I've been know these people all my life. Anyways I couldn't sleep, and by the time I finally fell asleep my alarm was RINGING so damn loud. (Don't you hate that) Now I'm up, and gotta drive and it's still dark. Whassup with that. I get to the bus station on time. lol..(that's my story and sticking to it). And I'm thinking they are going to be tired and I can just lay back down and go to sleep. NOT!!!! When we got the house it was about 7, cause we had to stop at Walgreen's, I needed a brown eye liner.lol. Then my daughter woke up, then I realized I didn't have breakfast food, other than cereal, and people wanted to eat, so to Old Country Buffet we went. Have you ever been there for breakfast? They have so much bacon, among other things (yeah I like bacon).
Ok now about the mall...after breakfast, we rested a bit, and then headed to the Mall. That is where most people want to go when they come visit. Now for those whose never been to this mall, this is the mall of all malls. It has everything you can think of, EVERYTHING DAMN THING!!! And we were there all day with no damn sleep. I spent some money, (d0n't tell my husband). My sister and niece spent some money. My homegirl was there, she spent some money. My daugther tried to throw a fit over a doll in the Disney store, I had to go old school and spank her in the bathroom, and she was fine every since. In all we had a good time at on this outing.
So the point of this story. When family comes to visit, we go out our normal day to accommodate them. Cause had they lived in Minnesota, they would have been SOL on the mall trip...
Gotta love Family
So we went to the world famous Mall of America. Let me bag up a bit, on Friday night I was up late, way to late, I didn't go to bed to about 2:30 and for some reason couldn't sleep. I know I wasn't excited, I've been know these people all my life. Anyways I couldn't sleep, and by the time I finally fell asleep my alarm was RINGING so damn loud. (Don't you hate that) Now I'm up, and gotta drive and it's still dark. Whassup with that. I get to the bus station on time. lol..(that's my story and sticking to it). And I'm thinking they are going to be tired and I can just lay back down and go to sleep. NOT!!!! When we got the house it was about 7, cause we had to stop at Walgreen's, I needed a brown eye liner.lol. Then my daughter woke up, then I realized I didn't have breakfast food, other than cereal, and people wanted to eat, so to Old Country Buffet we went. Have you ever been there for breakfast? They have so much bacon, among other things (yeah I like bacon).
Ok now about the mall...after breakfast, we rested a bit, and then headed to the Mall. That is where most people want to go when they come visit. Now for those whose never been to this mall, this is the mall of all malls. It has everything you can think of, EVERYTHING DAMN THING!!! And we were there all day with no damn sleep. I spent some money, (d0n't tell my husband). My sister and niece spent some money. My homegirl was there, she spent some money. My daugther tried to throw a fit over a doll in the Disney store, I had to go old school and spank her in the bathroom, and she was fine every since. In all we had a good time at on this outing.
So the point of this story. When family comes to visit, we go out our normal day to accommodate them. Cause had they lived in Minnesota, they would have been SOL on the mall trip...
Gotta love Family
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