Saturday, May 30, 2009


Yesterday was probably the first day since my Chemo treatment (05/19/09), that I really felt like myself. Usually it only take about 4 or 5 days and I'm back to myself. But not this time it has been well over a week. I don't know what the difference was this time around. I got the rest I needed, at least I think I did. I drank plenty of fluids, and ate as best as I could. And I still can't figure out what was difference.

So it's the weekend now, and I'm glad I'm feeling better. I even took my daughter to the water park. NO! I didn't over do it. I just took my time, and got in the water, I mean it's not like I can swim anyways. lol, cur I do look good in the water. (Wink). But we had fun, I guess that's all that matter.

My next bout of Chemo is June 2 and I really don't want to go. I know I know I have to go, and I am going......... unwillingly. With my lip poked out an everything, for real I am. I really don't want to go. I just don't like the needles and all the aftermath. What if I don't feel better at all this time. I swear this is the scariest thing I ever done. But I am going to conquer this. I'm a fighter and a believer. I know this is a minor set back, GOD has better things in store for me. I mean I have husband, and 2 kids. Who will take care of them?? .................... I will tell you who, I WILL!!!

Ms Miko

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's Birthday Party Time

On Saturday May 23, My daughter and My Niece had a sleepover and a big birthday party on Sunday. I really wasn't feeling up to it. But my friend/Sister was there to help. And it turned out just fine, I won't go into details but here are a couple of pics.




My Internet has been down.

Well let me apologize for not posting in a while, I've been having Internet problems. I think we may need a new modem. Right now we are renting one, maybe we should just buy one. Well we will see.


Last week on Tuesday May 19, I had yet another Chemo treatment, that makes number 3 and 6 more to go. and it's been over a week and I feel like I'm still recovering. Usually I'm alright by the next week like day 4 or 5. But the after effects of this treatment has really been lingering on. And this is not good, because the week that was planned was a long and exciting to come.

My daughter and my niece had a 4 day birthday celebration planned starting on Sat. May 23 until Tues. May 26. My niece birthday was on Monday May 25 and my daughters on Tuesday May 26. And my body was really not up to it. So I made the Sacrifices and dealt with it.