Saturday, July 18, 2009

I got some Tylenol 3's

I went to Chemo on Tues of this week. I was suppose to take my nuelasta shot on Wed, to help boost my white blood cells. But I was so wrapped in my son's mess I forgot all about the damn shot. So my doctor had me come on Thurs and take it. And I swear every since they gave me that shot, my body has been aching. But this time I got me some Tylenol 3's, and they work for the most part. But I still kinda hurt. I was suppose to take my daughter skating today, but my legs would have gave out. The Tylenol 3's are not that damn So I will just take her next week, when her friends can go with her. So instead we went school shopping. We only got a couple of things. I decided to start early, since I will have to have surgery and I may be beat down when school starts. And her daddy don't shop like that. And she can't look beat down going to school....

Well I am going to pop me 2 more of these Tylenols. Post a couple of things on Facebook, until the meds kick in. And the Hubs should be home soon.


My Support Group.

About a week ago I went to class sponsored by the American Cancer Society, call Look Good Feel Better. And I met this lady named Debra. Ms. Debra invited me to a cancer support group. I was a little skeptical at first, because being in Minnesota, I was thinking it would be women there who didn't look like me. So with that in mind, I had never even thought of going to any kind of support groups. I've just been praying, keeping my spirits up and leaning on my supportive husband.

But ...

Ms. Debra informed me that this support group was ran by brown women, and all the women in the group were brown. So that peaked my interest. So this has been on my mind all week. And the more I thought about it, the more interested and excited I got. So this morning, I got up, got dressed and went and checked out this support group. And you know what I'm happy I did. Ms Debra was right, they all were brown, and beautiful I might add. And they had a story to tell, and so did I. I have never felt so connected to people that I didn't know. It was beautiful. We talked about how and when we were diagnosed. Our treatment plans. Our surgeries. One of the best things about it is, there are women in this group that are 10 or more years survivors. Which is good, because that gives women who are currently being treated for breast cancer HOPE, and HOPE is GOOD!

I also found out that this support group has been around for about 20 yrs. What's the name you say. The name of the organization is the African American Breast Cancer Alliance INC. And they focus on Breast Cancer in Black women. Because as Black women, the chemo and other treatments effects us differently than white women. (Who would've thunk So if you are interested in what they do. Please click the link I have provided and check them out.

Also while you're clicking try this link and click the pink box to provide mammograms for women who can't afford them...thanks.

Ms. Miko

Please go get checked men and women, Cancer knows no age, sex or color.....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Does anybody still....

Watch Maury Polvich?

Well I've been off work since April, due to my cancer treatments.

So I've been catching up on all the shows I miss while I'm at work. My husband works second shift and he watches morning tv. And I use to talk about him watching Maury (You are not the father). But I have to say I've been watching it faithfully. But why, I will tell you why, for one it's unbelievable, and since I don't have drama, some one else's drama is just way to funny. I mean can it really be this many women who don't know who their kids belong to? And if you didn't know why in the hell would you go on national TV and tell everyone. And this is the kicker some people come on here more than once..for real. What makes a person say, "oh you not claiming this baby, we going on Maury"

One more Chemo treatment

I'm at Chemo today, I really didn't want to come, but I know I have too. One good thing is I only have 1 more treatment left. But it's kind of bitter sweet. I'm excited about not having to go to chemo. But with chemo over, that means I will be getting ready for surgery. And I'm really not ready for that. I hope I can keep up my spirits and my positive attitude I've been having.

And this is the first time I've been at chemo alone. Well it didn't start out that way. My wonderful husband is usually here, he has never missed one treatment. So today he came in with me and made sure I was all set, before he had to leave to attend a talent show that our daughter was in. (I told you he's wonderful). When the talent show is over they both will be here. Usually I would go to sleep when he is here with me. But because I'm by myself, I have slept a wink. Shit I don't know these people like

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The County Fair

So I took my daughter to the County Fair. And man it's expensive. Do they know we are in a recession. I mean the tickets was 1.00 a pop. I spent 25.00 on trying to win her a damn stuffed unicorn..(like she needs another stuffed animal). I got her a Caricature picture (I think that's how you spell it) some cotton candy, some wooden roses.

We went in the petting zoo, there were some goats and sheep. A pregnant cow, a brown and a black Llama, a Camel and a loud ass donkey.

I rode the ferris wheel with her. (that's all for me). She rode a 4 or 5 rides. She saw a couple of her friends from school.

And 70.00 dollars later it was time to come home. But all that really matters is that she enjoyed herself. And she did....

The weekend Before Chemo.

This has been a really busy weekend for me. I hate the weekend before I go to Chemo, because it seems like I have so much to do or do to much..

The weekend is only 2 or 3 days depending on your week. And mine started on Friday. I got up took the baby to summer school, ran to pay some bills, went to couple of stores. So Friday was kinda of mellow.

Then Saturday, my daughter had birthday party to attend, so I had to run out and get a gift and get her ready because she was riding with someone else. I ended up going to a church picnic with My daughter God mom, (it was really nice). I went to the Walmart and to the Grocery store (gotta eat). Then later that night, went out to eat with the Hubs.

Then today on Sunday, I kinda slept in (Should have been in church) but then I had to take something to my son's girlfriend. ( a whole nother story). Do my daughters hair, I went to eat with my married friends, and then came home and took my daughter to the County Fair. And notice I didn't mention anything about cooking or even running the vacuum.


because I didn't. I'm so glad I still have one more day to go before Chemo. And on that day, which is Monday, I will drop my daughter off at summer school, go back and help with the Talent show. I will cook, and clean and then try to get some rest for Chemo on Tuesday...