Friday, January 14, 2011

90 Girls Pregnant...Please educate your kids...

This story brung tears to my eyes and I'm confused on how it got this far before the people in this school, this community decided to do something. I mean when it was 20 girls, nobody thought it was a a prob, what about 50 girls, but now at 90 they want to take action. How about the fact that it is a High School with horny teenagers they should have already had some kind of action in place.

I mean are they or should I say we not educating our kids. Are we not giving them the tools they need to prevent this, like the shot, birth control, condoms, and educate them on how to use these items. How about educate them period. Book wise and Sexually. Because if there's this many girls pregnant, what kind of STD's are going around this community. I see that Questions hasn't even been raised. and why I'm on questions has anyone even questioned these babies to see why so many are pregnant, to see why they want to be pregnant, cause at 90 girls pregnant these are not all accidents. Not only doe they need to be question and educated, they need someone to listen to them, because this is a cry for help, a loud cry. And most of the time is a cry for love, they feel like they are not being loved, so they go looking for love, and think having a baby is the answer because the baby will love them.

I pray for this school and this community, that they find a solution to this epidemic. I know that teen pregnancy will never go away. But this right here is not common at all....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yesterday on Facebook, (yes I'm always on Facebook) I came across a post on a friends page and on his post he said, he wants to apologize to all the women in his past he lied to, smashed and passed along and some other stuff, basically for being a dog. All because he found out his wife was pregnant with a baby girl. So I asked him if he were having a boy would he have apologized and said no, he would teach him the way of the master, or something like that...

So now I'm thinking when men dog out women in their younger years, do they think that when they have a girl, she will or might be getting dogged out to. Or by apologizing, will they some how shield her from the hurt and the lies of men? Interesting.

So when women are hoes or hoeing, and they have a girl, do they think their daughter will do the same thing or is it just a man thing.

And when these such men have boys, do they want them to be a dog, and to lie and hurt young girls? hmmmm apparently they do, cause this is not the first time I heard something like this. Why is it Men will teach game to their son's but not their daughters. It seem like to me you would want your daughter to be up on game so she don't get game ran on her...

I mean did you ever think that's what's wrong with most women these days, growing up nobody ever taught them the game and they end up falling for the oke doke over and over again, because they have this false sense of what the world really is. You do know your daughter can be a princess, sweet and portray to be innocent and still be up on game.

Maybe if we taught our daughters that men will lie, cheat, and make you feel like you're the only one when you're not. And tell them that girls you consider your friend may hurt you, lie on you, fuck your man, stab you in the back and still smile in your face. And sometimes this girl may be you......

If we equip our daughters with the rules of the games, and how it feels when a boy you like touches you, and how it feels when someone pressures you for sex, and tell him that if he loved you he would want to wear a rubber, or don't get mad when he calls you a bitch just smile and say it's cool I'm still beautiful, or it's ok just to be friends with him, you don't have to be his girlfriend, and teach her how to fight just in case she runs into an abusive man...oh the list goes on and on..but if we did these things, maybe just maybe the percentage of stupid women will go from 80 to 25....

and even knowing all this she can still be a Princess, just not a dumb Princess...

Light Skinned vs Dark Skinned Party....WTF!!

So I frequently read and I came across this story. Light skinned vs dark skinned party causes Twitter upset. So instantly I was reading this story in awe, apparently some party promoters in Ohio thought this would be a good idea and it's suppose to be on my Birthday (1/21/11). And the whole time I'm thinking Oh Wow is this shit for real. So what did I do I posted it on my facebook to see if I was the only one who thought this was bullshit, but apparently I wasn't, I was so bothered by it I posted it again the next day just in case someone didn't see it. The responses I got were kinda what I expected but let me go into why I think it's bullshit...

Well me I'm considered light skinned, but I wish I was darker like Naomi Campbell dark, (but that's me) and it's not like I don't think I'm beautiful as I am, because I know I am, or it's not like I think light skinned girls are unattractive it's just my preference...

so now with that out the way...this light skinned vs dark skinned shit is just degrading to the Black race, we have enough self hate going on that we don't need anybody to exploit it. Especially black women, when you are light skinned, you hear stuff like, you are not black enough, Are you mixed with something, damn you light, high yella, red bone or my all time favorite light, bright damned near white...and I'm not even that light, or am I??

And I know that people talk about dark skinned women, my only sister is darker than I am, and not by a little bit, my youngest niece is nice and chocolate, and that's ok too...just the other day at work, I said to a girl you are very pretty, she is a dark skinned girl, and her comment to me was, most people tell me I'm cute to be a dark skinned girl. I said no baby you're cute no matter what color you are. I know that people call dark women African like dark women are not born in America. Or ashy black, or oh she good and black, or some other disrespecting thing, I don't know them all because I've never been dark...

Even the media hypes up being light skinned like it's so much better to be light than dark. hmph I'm here to tell you it's not. I don't understand how we all brown and we don't like each other because of our skin tone, how you can you be racist against your own race. Every since I was in grade school, I've had girls not want to be friend with me because of how I looked. I was the light skinned girl with long hair who thought she was cute...(First off I'm not that light, but I am cute)or people assumed I'm stuck up, now I'm a tad be conceited but never stuck up, I'm so down to earth...or my favorite one, he only likes her cause she light skinned...again bullshit....

ok I'm getting emotional so I'm gonna end it with this...

If any brown person male or female supports this whole light skinned vs dark skinned party, they need to be slapped for real, for real...and they might as well call it
House Nigga's vs Field Nigga's I'm just saying