I have a sister who is 8 years older than I am, and I can remember when she turned 30... I told her damn you're old...lol and here I am about to be 40 and I don't even feel like I've grown all the way up. Funny how times flies and it will pass you by if you are not paying attention...
So yeah I'm almost 40, let me say that again Almost 40 hmmmmm I've been preparing myself for 40 every since I turned 39 and I still don't feel like I'm ready...but I don't have a choice cause as long as I keep living, it's going to keep approaching...
So in preperation for this day January 21, 2013 when I do officially turn 40, I'm going to do somethings, First I am going to Pray 3 times a day for 40 days focusing on Family, Future,Self enhancement,(wife, mother, friend etc) I am going to do a 40 days of Thanks (because God has been so good to little ole ME), and I am going to amp up my work out and do 3 days a week of cardio... which is probably going to be the hardest, but it needs to be done.
I decided to do these things for a couple of reasons, I've been thru a lot in the last 3 years, I've had Breast Cancer, 2 major surgies, 1 minor surgery, and I've been shot... so I am thankful to be alive... let me stay that again I am Thankful to be Alive... very Thankful
Also I want to just want my 40's to be different for me than my 30's or my 20's for that fact..I've done a lot of things and been hurt and have hurt, so I want do be hurt less and do way less hurting, so with this Self enhancement I am going to cut off somethings and people in my life..that either shouldn't be there, or have surved thier purpose in my life...
I just want to be the Best Me I can BE...
Yep I'll be 40 in 40 days, and I'm going to bring it in with a bang...
#1/21/73 Fiercely Fabulous and 40....Watch out World Grown up Tamiko is definitely coming....