Monday, April 20, 2009


My older sister and my youngest niece came to visit me on Sat. Yeah they got in early, way to early, like 5 am, but I was there on time, ok I was about 10 minutes late. The point is I made it!

So we went to the world famous Mall of America. Let me bag up a bit, on Friday night I was up late, way to late, I didn't go to bed to about 2:30 and for some reason couldn't sleep. I know I wasn't excited, I've been know these people all my life. Anyways I couldn't sleep, and by the time I finally fell asleep my alarm was RINGING so damn loud. (Don't you hate that) Now I'm up, and gotta drive and it's still dark. Whassup with that. I get to the bus station on time. lol..(that's my story and sticking to it). And I'm thinking they are going to be tired and I can just lay back down and go to sleep. NOT!!!! When we got the house it was about 7, cause we had to stop at Walgreen's, I needed a brown eye Then my daughter woke up, then I realized I didn't have breakfast food, other than cereal, and people wanted to eat, so to Old Country Buffet we went. Have you ever been there for breakfast? They have so much bacon, among other things (yeah I like bacon).

Ok now about the mall...after breakfast, we rested a bit, and then headed to the Mall. That is where most people want to go when they come visit. Now for those whose never been to this mall, this is the mall of all malls. It has everything you can think of, EVERYTHING DAMN THING!!! And we were there all day with no damn sleep. I spent some money, (d0n't tell my husband). My sister and niece spent some money. My homegirl was there, she spent some money. My daugther tried to throw a fit over a doll in the Disney store, I had to go old school and spank her in the bathroom, and she was fine every since. In all we had a good time at on this outing.

So the point of this story. When family comes to visit, we go out our normal day to accommodate them. Cause had they lived in Minnesota, they would have been SOL on the mall trip...

Gotta love Family

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