Ok let me take you through my day. We woke up at about 5:30ish. cause we wanted to get good seats. The President was going to be doing a health care speech at the Target Center, downtown Minneapolis and it was FREE. The doors were gonna open at 9:30 but you know when it's free and the President you have to get there early.
We drop the kids off with the sitter and head downtown. After we park we start to walk toward the target center. We noticed the line, and come to find out it was around the block and 7 am. We head toward the end of the line. Then the brotha in a suit tell us that the line in the skyway is much shorter. We get to the skyway and there is only about 6 people up there.. (Big ups to the brotha in the suit). We are in line about 10 minuets and OMG! the line is about a mile or so long. We stayed in lin for 2 1/2 hours. (me and the hubs in line)
Finally they let us into the Target Center. We go thru security and they direct us to out seat. And low and behold the 2 1/2 hours we well worth it. We were the first ones in the target center. and had some of the best seats in the place. (another big ups to the Brotha in the suit). We are in row 5. I mean the stage is right there. (here was space on the floor open by the stage and the seats are up from the floor).
It took another 3 hours or so to get the 1500 people in the Center.
and among the 1500 guest there was this guy that had on a shirt that read "World Largest Obama supporter...I swear he is was 8 feet tall...see look how much taller he is over everybody else..

He spoke about the issue at hand "Health care for all". He said he was going to fight for affordable health care for all Americans.
How this issue affects all of us. He also said that this is had been touched by other Presidents and he was determined it was going to stop with him. He told a couple of stories of how some peoples benefits were stopped when they needed them. I mean he hit a lot of good points.
And before he was done, he told us the story to why he always says "Fired Up" and "Ready to go" and the story was kinda funny. He has a wonderful sense of humor. He is so charismatic. His presence is monumental. His voice is so powerful. He is just Phenomenal. If you ever get a
chance to hear him speak. Please don't let the opportunity pass. I'm glad I didn't......and trust me when I say when he is done speaking you will be fired up and ready to go. .
I just want to take time out to Thank everyone who supported and voted for President Barack Obama.....my name is Tamiko Edwards and I approved this message...
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