Monday, November 14, 2011

Black Women and Reality TV

So I watch Reality TV like most of us, and I'm all on Facebook posting about it, Tweeting about it on Twitter, because for one it's funny to watch and even funnier to talk about it with others.

But I've noticed a lot of websites, blogs and people have said that the Black women on these shows, (Housewives of Atlanta, Basketball Wives, Love and Hip Hop etc) portray us as Black women in a bad light...WELL UM NOT REALLY, yeah I said it not really...the Reality of it is most Black women act/behave that way and sometimes even worst...I know I'm going to get women saying I don't do that, or My and my girl don't do that...well FYI if you don't then that's good, I feel like I don't either. But you know somebody and or is related to somebody who does....Let me say that again we ALL know somebody and or are related to somebody, that is a Hood Rat, Ghetto, Trifling, or my favorite a Ride or Die Chick. And if you say no I don't know those kind of people. That person just might be YOU.

As Black people the majority of us are aggressive by nature, and being an aggressive women whose thought process is emotional can lead to disaster. Example, finding out your Boo is fucking around on you, with your homegirl and she pregnant... Example find out that your Boo has a wife he never told you about....Example Finding out your Boo is on the DL.... Example Finding out your Boo has given you a STD..Get the picture...and yes in any of these situations (not just limited to these) we can go into Ghetto crazy girl mode with the quickness...

Now I know there are some of us who, think before we react, but not the majority..

1 comment:

  1. I admit I can & WILL get RAW (pronounce it out like Big Daddy Kane)...but to "air" dirty laundry & not show the positive side of black women is detrimental to the image of black women. Because they also portray white women negatively, but they also show positive white women. I have been in situations where I was the only black women & every time I raised my voice to make a point the non-brown people expected it to be rowdy. In fact, I went to college in my predominantly black city of Flint, with nonbrown people that had NEVER seen a real brown person. They wanted to touch my skin, rub my hair, etc. And this is the only image that they had of brown women. Angry, calling each other bitches, ignant, and acting a plum fool. It made it very difficult for me. I felt like I have to single handedly change their perception of ALL brown women. smh. and I watch some crazy stuff, but I stopped watching those types of shows after Flavor Flav's jump off got a was too much for me. But to each his own. I watch the pimp fest known as the NBA, which stereotypes black men as well...
