Sunday, April 3, 2011

7 yrs and 9 yrs old.....Rape Suspects???? So Sad!!

ok click here to read the story...

When I read this story it, I was speechless and had tears in my eyes. Yet I had so many questions...

First of all it's unbelievable, a 7 yr old and a 9 yr old rapes a 2 yr old...OMG the thought of it is just sad and scary. My daughter is, I mean just unbelievable.

These are just babies and this IS learned behavior, but from who The Parents, maybe maybe not, it could be a older sibling, a care taker, a relative a family friend, but it is definitely learned behavior. Because at 7 and 9 you barely know your own body and what to do with it it, how would you even know or think to insert something in someone. Unless you seen it or had it done to you.

Did I mention I have a 7 yr just crazy...

I do think taking them away from the home was a good choice, at least until they figure out who has bee abusing these babies. I also pray that they don't put these babies in jail, because they are also victims they need help, and a lot of it at such a young age. Boy oh boy the Devil is busy.

My heart and my prayers got out to all the families involved and the community, because this is going to get worst before it gets better, because when they start to dig into these family and find the sick bastard that has been abusing these babies...I hope they give they ass life in prison and somebody takes advantage of their ass...

People please pay attention to your kids and the people you allow to interact with you kids. because you never know a person is an abuser until they've abused someone....

WWW - World Wide Web...

It's amazing the things that you come across while surfing the web, Sometimes I wonder do people realize that the web is world wide, not just local, not just in America. If they really knew this, would they be more conscious of what they put on here? hmmmmm or would they not give a damn, or how about what you put on the web NEVER goes away. Now I have to admit I've written some emails that I wouldn't want anybody else to read expect the person it was for, and I do know they can be recovered, but I can't say that there is picture of me, that I put on the web that I don't want people to do see, or that my come back to haunt me.

People need to realize and I'm talking grown people, or people who consider themselves grown, because Kids do dumb stuff, we all did the difference is when we (my generation and older) were young, we had regular pics, no email, we used pencils and paper, we had no cell phones web cams etc. and we still did dumb stuff, but today the dumb stuff these kids are doing is being documented FOREVER, and one day maybe just maybe when they become adults, it may come back to haunt them, ...and The grown people need to act like they know damn better before their kids come across some of this shit on the Internet, cause it's really not that hard to come by....