Wednesday, May 13, 2009

With Friends like these.....

So since I've been diagnosed with cancer, I've been looking at things differently....

Me for one, because this is truly an humbling experience...

Secondly My friendships......

And WOW is all I can say....

Sometimes I don't know how I even became friends with some of these people.
So let me just tell you a little about me, when I call somebody my friend, I really mean it, I care deeply for my friends, I have my flaws, and my issues, but I am a good friend. Hell everybody should have friend like me. I do need to let you know I am an aggressive friend, I don't candy coat stuff, I tell you stuff in the raw. I give good advice, (at least that is what I'm told, I think I missed my calling)...If you need me, I do whatever I can to be there for you. If you need to vent, cry or just talk, you can call me. If you're sick or something has upset you, I will call or come visit you to check on you. I've let friends stay with me and my family rent free. (Hell I got a friend staying with me now...) I've taken friends back who has back stabbed me..( I know I know crazy right). I like to see my friends doing good. I try to stay positive and upbeat. I mean who wouldn't want a friend like me.

Ok now my friendship flaws.....

If you do something stupid, I will talk about your ass. let me say that again, if you do something stupid just plain stupid, I will talk about your ass. I may not say your name but I will discuss it. lol, if you piss me off, I will snap the hell out, that simple. but I think my positive out weighs my negative.

So with that said. Since I've been sick, I can't believe how my so called friends has been treating me. Not all of them have been a disappointment. but for the most part. I'm cool on these bitches. half of them don't call, or hasn't even been by. But they can send a forwarded text with no hesitation. Do they realize I have cancer, and my husband works second shift. I mean do they really care. I'm so glad I haven't needed any real help, cause I would be assed out for real. I do have a couple who has come through, and the others have just fallen short. Why do I need them, or do I need them...hmmmm....Sometimes I feel like strangers care more about me. (Bad, I know). So what is a girl to do? I'll tell you exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to just play it cool, for now, because I'm already under stress with my cancer and all, among other things.


In about 6 to 8 months when I'm cancer free. (Cause I will be). I will be cool on these so called friends. And letting them go won't be hard at all. Then I will have room for some new friends, positive, strong, encouraging friends.

Ms. Miko


If I'm doing this friendship thing wrong somebody please let me know.



  2. All I can say is...WOW, too. Someone once said "when the going gets tough, friends turn and run like hell" (or maybe it was ME who said that). I learned that very same thing when I had my shoulder surgery. My neighbors, some of whom I don't even know their names, took care of me!! drove me to appointments, brought me food, shoveled my driveway and steps, etc. Without them, I would have been "assed out" just like you said. Ms. Miko, there's nothing wrong with the way you "do friendship" - stay strong!

  3. That's what they say, when the going gets tough, that's when you find out who your REAL friends are......
