Monday, July 27, 2009

Friendship 101 thoughts...

Is there a Friendship for Dummies book out there somewhere?

Is there really a such thing a best friend?

Can a real Friendship over come anything?

Maybe I don't know the definition to the word Friendship?

Maybe I'm the one doing it wrong?

When 2 friends are having problems, the one with the biggest problem out trumps yours.

You should always take you friends feeling in consideration.

When a friend feels something is important as a friend you should remember it.

Hold on AM I a good friend.

Maybe I think I am but really not?

Will my friends comment on this?

I guess I will stop here...


  1. Yes, if you all are really best friend, then your friendship will have ups and downs, but in the end you will still love each other and be there for each other.

    I don't feel that you are wrong for thinking that she is being inconsiderate about your situation. She should have taken it off and if it were me, she would have to find someone to babysit her child, if I have to take mine fine, but you told her and she should have thought enough of your situation to find someone to not only watch hers but yours too.

    Yes, when two friends are having problems, the one with the bigger problem definitely out weighs yours. How can I come to you and complain about my little problems when I know how hard it must be for you to be strong fighting your cancer.

    And yes Tamiko you are a very good friend in my eyes, I don't know what I would do without you in my life. Thanks for being a great friend.

  2. I agree with Shaunise, but I dont think that friends should compare their I said in a previous comment my best friend went through chemo and everything that comes along with it..and at that time she was found out she had grandmother died from cancer...and she was there for me in pain and all...and I was there for her! Its not about who has the biggest problem friendship is about helping each other deal with their problems. Just because your bff is not the one going to chemo does not mean her problems are meaningless...I do think she was inconsiderate to you and should have took the day off to watch her child and yours..but I hope you guys dont end your friendship over it. Good Luck.

  3. I agree with both of yall.

    Thanks Shaunice, I'm thankful for your friendship also.

    I don't think or have never said her problems was meaningless, because I'm always there for her when she needs me and even when she doesn't, I understand she has been going thru somethings. And I am there for her thru this situation also. I just want her to be the a friend to me, and realize I wouldn't even asked her if it wasn't important. But I found a babysitter for both the kids..
