Sunday, June 7, 2009

The weekend Help!

I woke up today with a sore throat, from being out in the cold rain yesterday. My immune system is kind of shotty due to my chemo treatments. Even though this shouldn't be an issue since it's JUNE. So why is it 47 and raining, and I had on boots in damn JUNE!!! ( just had to get that out)

So today is the day to go back the clinic to give another blood sample for the blood culture. And I did not want to go. I'm so tired of these people poking me and taking my blood.

When my husband woke up he was so nice, telling me that I need to go. And I snapped out on him, telling him how I was tired and just didn't want to go. I swear he is such a patient man. He didn't even flinch he just listened, and hugged and kissed me. I felt so bad about being mean, I had to apologize.

We get up and get dressed to go to the funky clinic. At the clinic we are the only ones in the waiting area, and it still took them almost 30 minutes to call me. (WTF took them so long, nobody else is here). (I don' t like the weekend help).. Finally she calls me back, and before I even went back. I told my husband that she didn't look like she knew what she was doing. But my optimistic husband always trys to look on the bright side, he says maybe she is not the weekend help, maybe she is doing overtime. (awww he so sweet).


She was tapping on my arm with her cold hands which seem like forever looking for my vein. ugh! Then when she finally found it. She put so much alchol on arm, I smelled like a drug store. She poked me with the needle and proceeds to extract my blood. And she took a lot, so I thought. She had the blood culture bottles, (2 of them) and about 4 or 5 other tubes for blood. She took the needle out, and proceeded to fill the culture bottles one by one, then a tube. Then the helfa said, "I need to take more blood, this is not enough". Yep instant attitude. So she then draws blood from my other arm, which she couldn't find the vein in that one either. I'm going to say it again, I don't like the weekend help!!!


  1. Yeah, they need to fire that chick if she couldn't realize that she didn't have enough blood on the first draw....Hope all your results turned out OK after your blood was drawn....

  2. Hey, I agree with you that she should have relized she didn't have enough. I just wanted to let you know we are all thinking about you at work and hope everything is going okay.

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