Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Does anybody still....

Watch Maury Polvich?

Well I've been off work since April, due to my cancer treatments.

So I've been catching up on all the shows I miss while I'm at work. My husband works second shift and he watches morning tv. And I use to talk about him watching Maury (You are not the father). But I have to say I've been watching it faithfully. But why, I will tell you why, for one it's unbelievable, and since I don't have drama, some one else's drama is just way to funny. I mean can it really be this many women who don't know who their kids belong to? And if you didn't know why in the hell would you go on national TV and tell everyone. And this is the kicker some people come on here more than once..for real. What makes a person say, "oh you not claiming this baby, we going on Maury"..lol


  1. While I was on sick leave I also caught up on the shows I was missing while I was at work and Maury was one of them, I love his show too.....I wish it came on in the afternoons so we could watch it when we got off work.

  2. I dont understand why Maury dont get mad at the females who are getting damn near 20 men tested. Some say they were drunk, but how u remember names if you were drunk,lol...Remember the old shows where the audience could ask questions Maury need it bc he need help dealing with them, cause he let them run his show! I like Steve Wilkos...now he get to the root of the problem.

  3. IDK if you know but SistasHelpnSistas is Monica Halbert Ms.Miko, so check out my blog.
