Sunday, July 12, 2009

The weekend Before Chemo.

This has been a really busy weekend for me. I hate the weekend before I go to Chemo, because it seems like I have so much to do or do to much..

The weekend is only 2 or 3 days depending on your week. And mine started on Friday. I got up took the baby to summer school, ran to pay some bills, went to couple of stores. So Friday was kinda of mellow.

Then Saturday, my daughter had birthday party to attend, so I had to run out and get a gift and get her ready because she was riding with someone else. I ended up going to a church picnic with My daughter God mom, (it was really nice). I went to the Walmart and to the Grocery store (gotta eat). Then later that night, went out to eat with the Hubs.

Then today on Sunday, I kinda slept in (Should have been in church) but then I had to take something to my son's girlfriend. ( a whole nother story). Do my daughters hair, I went to eat with my married friends, and then came home and took my daughter to the County Fair. And notice I didn't mention anything about cooking or even running the vacuum.


because I didn't. I'm so glad I still have one more day to go before Chemo. And on that day, which is Monday, I will drop my daughter off at summer school, go back and help with the Talent show. I will cook, and clean and then try to get some rest for Chemo on Tuesday...

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