Monday, October 5, 2009

Can anybody get a show...

Can anybody get show these days....

Tyra banks has one, even Mo'nique has one, My husband told me the other night even Brian McKnight has one...yes Brian McKnight. So now I'm wondering how I get on the ban wagon. What's the Criteria, cause if Sherry Shepard can be on the view, trust me I can be on or have one too. I mean have you seen the Wendy Williams show, shall I ask again what is criteria for real. In a minute the only thing that is going to be on TV is Talk show's, reality TV, Judge Shows and Maury Polvich..(don't act like you don't watch you are not the father)...

And as for Reality shows, just because you are famous doesn't mean we want to see into your life, ie Keisha Cole and her ghetto ass family (Frankie and Neffie), Tiny and Tina...for real why? And don't for get Bobby Brown and Whitney, what a mockery...Didn't Brandi have one and what about her brother...Ray J come on get the pic....its this really what TV is coming too...

I'm not saying I don't watch Reality TV, because I do but hell there isn't anything else on TV...

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