Monday, April 27, 2009

I really wanted to go to Church on Sunday!

I really wanted to go to Church on Sunday, but my body didn't have the energy to make it and on top of that is was thunderstorming. So I just slept in my warm dry bed, next to my wonderful husband, and got some rest.

The funny thing is that I haven't even told my church family about my Breast Cancer. Why you ask? Well first of all I have been attending Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church for about 9 or 10 yrs. I became a member about 7 or 8 yrs ago, and you know what, nobody there really knows my name. I mean my Pastor and his kids do, mainly because my husband use to do the video taping for the church. There are about 2 or 3 families there, that may know me by name. But if I called the church Secretary to solicit prayers, and to be put in the prayer list she wouldn't know me from the man next door.

I mean I don't go EVERY Sunday, (especially through the winter months) but I do go more than just Christmas, Easter and Mother's Day (nothing against those who do). My church family, is a very loving family, and very inviting, but if this is so, why don't they know me. Is is me, should I have made my self known, becuase it's not like I'm shy or anything like that. I'm very outgoing, very talkative, and I just love attention, so why don't my church family really know I exist?

Why do I keep going you ask?
Because I love my Pastor, I love how he preaches, I love the way he carries himself, I love the way he can get his point across, I love the way he can make a sermon seem like it was made for YOU. When you walk out of my church, you feel like you've been to Church, you feel like you've learned something. You feel anoited, like you've been in God's pressence.

So I'm still faced with this decision....Do I contact my church letting them know about my situation, even though they won't know who I am.

Please men and women go get checked, cancer knows no age, color, or race.

Ms. Miko


  1. It won't matter that the secretary won't know you from the man next door...the point is that you ARE a member of that church and I'm most certain that when she tells the Pastor, he will know and he will tell his congregation about you and he will command all the prayers from everyone!! Or, better there and leave a message for the Pastor to call YOU and then you talk directly to bout that!!??

  2. You may just be surprised at how many other members DO know you and possibly many of them feel the same way (that nobody knows who they are either)...
