Tuesday, August 25, 2009

If You Need Something...

How come when people get sick or something..People always say if you need something let me know. I know they mean good, but really, why do I have to ask. If you know I'm down why don't you just come over and do something. Because secretly you hope I don't need anything. (right).

I mean you know that I have dishes, I have kids, I have a bathroom, I have to go grocery shopping, etc. So don't ask what can you do just do it.

Actually I'm really glad I can do stuff on my own. Because I would be shit out of luck. But I'm not mad, I'm just saying...

and on the other hand if you really want to do something, send me some money because this disability check just ain't cutting it...

1 comment:

  1. Boy am I glad you touched on this lol because I sometimes wonder the very same thing.I been in flare up for about a week or so and my momma who lives maybe 2 miles away calls me all day long and I mean all day. Are you ok do you need anything. How about yuo come over and find out. I am sure whatever her concern is she can come over and get it together plus my kids are probably tired of pizza lmao
