Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Church!

When I went to church on Sunday. I decided not to wear my wig. I've been bald since the end of April. But for some reason when I go to church I wear my wig. Mainly because I haven't told them I had breast cancer....

Ok let me back up and tell you why...

I was debating on telling my church, because I felt like nobody there really knew me. I've been a member there for years, but I haven't really been involved in the church activities...My pastor knows me by name...but a lot of members of the church don't...(ok that's my reasons and I'm sticking with it). I had talked to my mom about it and she said just call them.

So I did...and WOW...ok this is what happened...first our church secretary's name is Marsha, and I'm not going to say anything bad about her. I'm just gonna say she show favoritism. Ok so I called and Marsha answered the phone. I tell her my situation and she asks my name, so I say "Tamiko Edwards", and then she says "I don't think I know you" I'm like "OK"...then she gets quiet. So I said "Never mind I'm good" and I hung up the phone. And I'm thinking WOW this is why I didn't want to call. I mean even if she didn't know me, you couldn't look me up, I know I'm on the roster...I"m pretty sure they keep a record when I give them money...

So what I do..I stopped going to that church for a couple of weeks, I either stayed home or visited a different church. I was seriously thinking of changing churches...

But when my mom got here, she wanted to go to church, so I took her to my church. I decided not wear my wig. And all the other times I've been since I've been bald, I've worn a wig. But this Sunday I decided not too. Even though I knew it would raise some questions, but it was just to damn hot outside.

When I first got there, I saw the lady from my support group who is also a survivor and we chatted for about 5 mins or so. Then we went into the church, everything was fine no questions about my hair. I'm glad because I can't lie in the church.

Then after church, I saw my friend Felicia (who is also a Deaconess at the church), and the Nurse at our church, (Don't know her name). Well they both had questions about the bald head. First the nurse and I told her and she was upset I didn't tell the church, and she took my number and said she would check on me....Now my friend, that's another subject she said she has been looking for me, cause I hadn't been to church. And the church didn't have my phone number or my new addy. So I tell her the situation on what happened when I called. And come to find out Marsha has been in trouble for mistreating people lately...hmmmmm...So I gave her my new number, and she called another Deaconess over there to talk to me, apparently she is a breast cancer survivor also. And they said they would come and pray for me, and they felt bad because they had missed my surgery.

So I will see how these church people follow through. And then I will make my decision if I need to find me a new church or not....

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