Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Mother's other Child...

I guess you can call her my sister. But I beg to differ sometimes..

Ok so me and my mother's other child is 8 yrs apart...I'm 36 and she's about to be 44. And we don't get along, because of various reason, and yrs and yrs of hurt and pain. When I was younger I didn't like her at all. I love her but I don't like her actions, her behavior or her attitude . (lol you get the pic)..Did I mention she's also an alcoholic..

And it's not like I ever even had a chance to build a relationship with her. Apparently she wishes I was never born. And she has said this on numerous occasions. So I've been fighting with her all my life. The main reason is she wants to be my momma's baby.. But you know what SHE CAN BE. Even though I'm the youngest. I'm far from a baby..and she can have the position. It doesn't bother me at all..and hasn't in a long time!!!

I'm so envious of women who have these wonderful relationships with their sister. I wish we could just talk sometimes, with out arguing. Go shopping, take trips together..Just be able to turst one another. I wish me and my sister could be close. So instead I try to build these relationships with other women to try to fill this void. Some has been positive but the majority of them didn't work out, for one reason or another.

And even though my sister and I don't get along, I try to be there when she needs me. Even though we live so far apart (I'm in Minn, she's still in Mich).

Ok now the problem at hand...

Over the years, I've never asked my sister for much. Mostly because we never really gotten along right. But don't get me wrong, I love her, she's my only sibling. When I got married she didn't want to be there, it's like I had to pay her to be there (I paid for her dress among other things she needed) anyways...when she got married I was there...When her and husband had major probs..I didn't make it to mich..but I helped her thru it..I called and talked and talked until things were better...When she had surgery.. didn't nobody told me until she was coming home from the hospital...had I known before I would have been there...Why I was the last to know...who knows..

any ways

So now I'm having surgery on Monday the 17th. And my mom will be here on Friday the 14th. Now mind you I just talked to my sister last week or so. She told me that she would come down for a week, but their finances wasn't right at this moment...understandable right... So yesterday I find out that my sister and her husband is going to Alabama on the same day my mom is coming to Minn...WTF....(now remember I said she wants to be my mom's baby)...Supposedly the story is, since mom will be out of town, then she doesn't want to be in town...(you can miss me with the bullshit)

Ok so I called her, to ask her cause I couldn't belive this shit. And of course she confirmed it. So my question to her was, how in the hell you can afford to go to Alabama, but not Minnesota. She claimed the trip was already planned, (bullshit). But she knew I was having surgery since April, not the specific date, but I'v always knew it was in Aug. But part of the prob is her punk ass husband don't really like this side of the family. And he doesn't want her interacting with us...also bullshit...

So at this point, I'm so cool on her. I've done a lot of praying over the years to get to a point where I can learn to love her for who she is, and not the person I want her to be. I've cut off a lot of people that I thought I needed to fill this void of having a sister. (there are couple more who needs to go...and I'm still workin on that). I will continue to pray...because if I don't this could get real ugly...

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