Wednesday, August 12, 2009

5 days to Surgery, 2 days til Mom comes...

It's Wednesday and I don't have any appointments this morning.

I went to the Dr. on Monday for a pre opt exam..

I went to the Oncologist yesterday so she can check my red and white blood cells. Since my last chemo treatment.

Even though I don't have any appointments. I still have so much to do before surgery. I should say things I have to do before my mom gets her on technically I only have today, tomorrow and Friday morning to get things done. ...So I will be busy little bee around here.

Today I'm going to wash, I need to run to walmart and get a couple of things. Maybe I will even cook. I need to clean both bathrooms. I need to finish cleaning my daughters room. Man I think that's enough for today ya think?

1 comment:

  1. Tamiko- wow.....i am never on this site. I really just happened to take the time and read along. I am saddened by hearing of your cancer but i am happy that you are a person of strong faith. With that I know you will beat the sam hell out of this disease. I remember or friendship and your talks with me. I have always looked at you as someone so positive. We had so much in common. You are still beautiful and i am going to make my business to keep up with you. I know that I have been chasing my dreams and may seem a little standoffish when we see each other. It really makes my day when we do run into each other, honestly. Im just so consumed with my own life that I set myself apart from others. I don't mean to be this way but I have guarded myself so long i know no other way. I was telling my husband about you and how we know each other. your presence in my life was short but it did have meaning. you never knew what i was going through, i kept alot of it to myself. im sorry im just rambling on but, i just want to say that I love you and wish you well. peace and happiness and good health again. be blessed
