Sunday, August 9, 2009


So the other day I was on FaceBook..(yeah I know I'm always on FB) but anyways. I decided to search for people named Tamiko. Why? Because almost every time I tell people my name is Tamiko they act like they have only heard of Tamika's but never a Tamiko. I know it's a Japanese name and all..but come on, I know there are more Tamiko's out there.

ok back to my search

OMG! pages and pages of Tamiko's came up. I was so excited...I just started clicking and clicking requesting Tamiko's to be my friend. Now I have about 20 people named Tamiko on my friends list. I had couple decline...(why would they deny themselves my friend request, puzzles mostly because they only wanted people they knew on their friends list..but it didn't bother me. Because if your name is Tamiko, I'm pretty sure you're a little funny acting...(not really an act, we are funny with people...also Fabulous!!!) because including myself...

oh before I forget to tell you. We have our own group on FB..(of course founded by yours truly)..the only rule is your name has to be TAMIKO...(and yes is has to be spelled that way!) and we are 17 members strong and counting...

but you know what's funny...they all said that people act like the name is so rare...I guess we kinda are...


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