Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I start Chemo on Tuesday!

That's a hell of a way to start a blog, right? Well it's true. I have Breast Cancer! I'm shocked to, well at least I was when I first found out. OK let me back up and kind of fill you in on how I found out.

So about a month or so ago, I started to feel a lump in my breast. My husband kept telling me to get it checked out. Of course I put it off, didn't want to take the time off work and use my PTO (you know how that goes). So on Friday April 3rd I work a half day and went to the Dr. that afternoon. I had a physical and a Pap, the Dr. felt my lump and she sent me to get a mammogram on Tues April 6. (FYI that is some painful shit). Anyways they told me I needed a biopsy, so that happened on Wed April 7. Then I got a call on Thurs April 9 with the results. I had Breast Cancer. So I was back at Dr. on that Friday for about 5 hours or so, do more test and getting more info, and guess what, I've used up all my damn PTO hours anyway. Ok so now I'm overloaded with info about breast cancer, I've talked to so many people in those days, and has read so much....so I took an Easter break. (I will post pics)...

So now we're caught up so yesterday (April 13) I went back to the Dr. to have a PET scan. (it's really called a PET scan). These people put me in a tube so small, all I could do was close my eyes and talk to GOD and myself (no I'm not crazy, at least not yet). And today I was back at the damn Dr. for a MRI, (back in damn tube), and yes I will be back at the Dr. tomorrow. I will keep you posted.

Before I end this post, I will tell you that I am Fine,Fabulous, Fierce, and a Fighter! I refuse to let this defeat me. God has better things in store for me. Somebody once sent me a text (cause no body really says things anymore...lol) that said "Stop waiting for the storm pass and learn to dance in the rain". That's exactly what I plan on doing.



  1. Hey Cuzin.. U r a right...U have all the characteristics in the "F" family. Just know we are here for u. let me know what if u need anything. Remember to keep GOD first!!!Luv US-3

  2. Hey Gorgious!You make me smile inside and out! I LOVE YOU* and im so glad God put you in my life.


  3. Whassup gurl. U know what I love about u? Your outspokeness, your laughter, your ability to go against the grain, your resilience and most of all just u being you despite what others say or think you should be!

    I wish there were something I could do to walk with you thru all this...like I said we findin out life changing shit at the same time. Know that I love u....always have, always will....I trust that you will keep your head up and get on the phone and 'letta' sista know when u need more than the phone. If I can make it to u, I'm there.

    There's a passage of scripture that talks about glorying in tribulation that I wrote about one day. I'ma send it to your email. You can do with it what you wish, but know this-If u weren't made of substance, there's no way you could be 'tested'

    I love u!


  4. Hey You are a strong beautiful woman inside and out keep your head up you are in my prayers. I can't wait to see you.Love Vanessa

  5. Hey girl, I just want to let you know that I'm here for you and with you, we've been down since the 3rd grade. And when I walk, the walk this year for breast cancer, it will be just for you! You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday!

    Love you,

  6. FYI...to everyone who is reading this...GO GET CHECKED! Take the time to take care of yourself!

  7. Hey Meek,
    I am so glad you took the time to get checked out. Kow that this too shall pass. Stay strong and stay close to God and if it comes down too it , I know you are fierce enough to rock a baldy. Know that I love you and I am with you in what ever way you need me. You are moving to the top spot on my prayer list. Always know that we are tried in the fire but we are coming out as pure gold and in your case platinum because gold is not the preciose metal I would use to define you. Love you bunches.........

  8. Hey Babe, I hope my love sends a smile your way. Tamika told me the other day about your news but she was in denial and couldn't believe it. So I am letting you know that I am here sending my love and hope that eveything works itselfs out. Give everyone kisses and hugs and then turn to yourself and give the biggest hug from me. LOVE YOU Miko

  9. Hi Cousin,
    I too was shocked and overwhelmed of the news. I know that these trials and tribulations that God sends us through are merely a test of our faith.
    It is so important to hold on to that vibrant spirit and warrior thinking. It is a battle, but it's one that can be conquered!
    I love you and you are truly in my prayers.

  10. Hey cuz!! I am praying for you! We are claiming victory!! Much love to you and the family!


  11. I just want to say Thank You, for all the wonderful comments, and your support..

    Please Men and Women go get checked, Cancer knows no, age, race or sex

  12. How have you been? Im just wanna let you know that I am proud of you for displaying great strength and courage during this storm. God will quiet this storm also..Love ya, girl!
