Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pictures of My heart

Well I was back at the Dr. today to have a Muga Scan, to test my heart to make sure it's strong enough for Chemo. It was a pretty painless process, even though I was hooked up like you were jumping a car battery . Then I had to lay on the table for 10 mins while this big ole machine took a picture of my heart, well 2 pictures so it was a total of 20 mins. Now my question is how can a cell phone take pics in half a second, and with all the technology we have it takes 10mins to take 1 pic of 1 heart? Did I fail to mention they put radiation in my body, for the second time this week. (yeah when I took the Pet Scan I had some radiation injected then too) but this time it was different. They took my blood, mixed it with the radiation and then injected it back in. Yeah you read it right, they injected it back in. I was like "Is this safe", the Lab Tech said "Oh we do this all the time". So I asked "will I have super powers", he said "prob not". Little did he know I already had some this week (he he). So yall know I tried to move something with my hand, yeah I know one to many superhero movies. So sadly he was right, and I was kinda bummed out, I mean I would have used my powers for good!


  1. Only you lady well I had my chuckle for the day lmao now that is too funny. I get dye injected in my MRI's and CAT scans. The first time I got it they told me it was going to burn and I was going to feel like I peed on myself. Needless to say when they injected that crap I felt like I had an out of body expirience. When I came out that tube I told them dtop lying to people and tell them you are about to feel like you have been abducted by aliens and have an out of body expirience. I will never forget that.

  2. Well, just be darn glad your lips didn't swell up to the size of a California plum!! lol I have seen that reaction on someone before. You may not possess super powers, but you will be 'glowing' by the time you're done with your treatment and all that radiation. Glowing, just like the shining star you already are. love u

  3. Kimacka Randle4/17/09, 5:00 AM

    I've had dye injected into an MRI/CT Scan as well. However, nothing that I've experience compares to chemo. My 32 yr old friend that has non-Hodgkins lymphoma said it was hard the first week but that it gets better. He also said that the doctor's office told him to smoke weed to help with nausea.
